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quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Time to celebrate love

It's not just because saint valentine's is coming but also because I think that love is one of the most important ingredients of life. Either is if it's the love of a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a husband or a wife, the love of our children, of our friends, classmates, co-workers or students. Love is good, being in love is so nice and fills our hearts with joy and happiness. It makes us wanna go further and further. Love makes us strong and capable of doing everything. We become bold and radiant. We are surrounded by love stories - sad or happy -, they are everywehere: in books, like Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", in films, like "City of Angels" (sad but sooooooo beautiful story) or the "Twillight" series, and in countless songs throughout the times.
Here are some of my favourite. Click on the link and enjoy!

Let's celebrate love!

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